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Course Name
School Year
Abramowicz, David M.
Abrams, Erin
Abrams, Floyd
Adlerstein, Jacob A.
Ahmed, Ashraf
Aleem, Yussuf A
Alhadeff, Marla
Allon, Devora Whitman
Amar, Akhil
Amron, Susan
Anderson, Haley
Andrias, Kate
Ansari, Mehdi
Antell, Kira
Antill, Gregory
Anwar, Sania
Appel, Israel
Arditi, Ralph
Argueta Funes, Jose
Arnold, Keri
Askanase, Eric S.
Austin, Kimberly
Bagchi, Aditi
Baker, Alice
Baker, Todd
Balganesh, Shyamkrishna
Balin, Robert
Baluch Jr, Ejaz
Barasch, Richard
Barenberg, Mark
Barnes, Katherine
Barnett, Rachel
Bartczak, Norman
Basta, Paul
Baylor, Amber
Becker, Thomas
Beer, Yishai
Bellovin, Steven
Benally, Precious Danielle
Benhabib, Seyla
Benvenisti, Eyal
Berger, Berit
Berger, Dan
Berkovitz, Dan M.
Berman, Nathaniel
Berman, Saul
Bermann, George A.
Bernhardt, Doris
Bernhardt, Elizabeth Farber
Bernhardt, Sophia
Bianco, Joseph
Bilgrami, Akeel
Biniaz, Susan
Bjorge, Eirik
Blair, Michael
Blasi, Vincent
Bloom, Bryan L.
Bobbitt, Philip C.
Bollinger, Lee C.
Bolton, Patrick
Borges Pereira Santos, Luna
Bova, Matthew
Bradford, Anu
Bregman, Douglas M.
Briffault, Richard
Brodsky, Clava
Broyde, Michael
Buckel, Katherine
Bulman-Pozen, Jessica
Burrell, Ashley Michelle
Bush, Jonathan
Butterfield, Toby
C. Reilly, Katherine
Cacace, Karen
Caferri, Nicoletta
Cain, Karessa Lin
Camillo, Jennifer
Canick, Simon
Canovas, Maria Luisa
Capers, I. Bennett
Capra, Daniel
Carpenter, Lea
Carrillo, Raul
Cartagena, Juan
Carter, Alexandra
Cavallaro, James
Cepeda Derieux, Adriel I.
Chaikelson, Steven
Chanoine, Hannah
Chatterjee, Mala
Chertoff, Emily
Cheston, Sheila
Chin, Denny
Cho, Sumi
Chow, Stephanie
Chu, Elizabeth M
Cibrario Assereto, Clara (Charlie)
Cipolla, Oreste
Clay, Thomas
Cleveland, Sarah H.
Clooney, Amal
Coffee, Jr., John C.
Cogburn, Christopher Stone
Cohen, Nicola A
Cohn, Debra L. W.
Cole, Jonathan
Conn, Jennifer
Cooper, Larcenia Dawn
Crenshaw, Kimberle W.
Cross-Goldenberg, Peggy
Cumberbatch, Shannon
D'Avino, Rick
Damrosch, Lori Fisler
Daniel Vasquez, Elizabeth
Daniel, Kent
Dassin, Lev
Davis, Anthony
Davis, Frederick
Davis, Owen
De Silva, Joanne
DeCell, Caroline
DeMarco, Joseph
DeMasi, Timothy
Dent, Rebecca
Diakun, Anna
Dicker, Richard
Dimitrov, Delyan M.
Doyle, Michael W.
Dreyer, Elyse
Drucker, Maggie
Duggal, Kabir
Dvornic, Tijana
Dzierniejko, Ryan
Edel, Martin
Edwards, Scott
Effron, Robin
Ehrlich, Stephen
Eisenzweig, Tal
Elberg, Jacob
Emens, Elizabeth F.
Ewing, Anthony
Fagan, Jeffrey A.
Fagen, Les
Falkenberg, Kai
Fan, Dennis
Faucon, Casey
Ferguson, Kristen J
Fiddelman, Jacob Ross
Firestone, Louise
Fischer, Elizabeth
Flaherty, Martin
Fletcher, George P.
Foley, Ryan
Fontier, Alice
Forbes, Flores
Fort, Charity
Foscarinis, Maria
Foster, Sheila
Fowler-Williams, Mavis
Fox, Merritt B.
Fox, Michael Louis
Frackman, Andrew
Fraidin, Stephen
Franke, Katherine M.
Freeman, Josh
Freiman, Gabriel
Friedman, Andrew
Friedman, Brett
Frischling, Edward C.
Funk, Kellen R.
Gallagher, Jamie
Garro, Alejandro M.
Gelernt, Lee
Gentin, Pierre Marc
Genty, Philip M.
Gerber, Robert
Gerrard, Michael
Gillis, Talia
Ginsburg, Jane C.
Gise, Robin
Glass, Maeve
Glenn, Martin
Glosten, Lawrence
Goins, Melanie
Goldberg, Suzanne
Gomez, Madeline M.
Gonzalez, Hector
Goodwin, David
Gopin, Leah
Gordon, Jeffrey N.
Gordon, Stephen
Goshen, Zohar
Grabar, Nicolas
Gray, Richard
Greco, Jerome
Green, Ariadne
Greenberg-Kobrin, Michelle
Greene, Jamal
Gregory, Naima
Grey, Robert
Grimes, Benjamin
Gross, Benjamin
Grossi, Peter
Guevarra-Fernandez, Amin
Gupta, Anjum
Gupta-Kagan, Josh
Haggerty, John
Hajjar, Tanya
Hakimi, Monica
Hamburger, Philip
Hamdani, Assaf
Han, Sarah
Harbeck, Dorothy
Harcourt, Bernard E.
Harnwell-Davis, Natasha
Harper, Brandon D
Harris, Robert
Harwood, Christopher B
Healy, Thomas Joseph
Heatherly, Gail
Heffes, Ezequiel
Heller, Michael A.
Helleringer, Genevieve
Hemlock, Adam
Hennessey, Patricia
Henry, Jehanne
Hernandez, Jey
Herrera, Gregory
Hewlin, Jay Allen
Hicks, James
Hirschmann-Levy, Nell
Hochstadt, Eric
Hoffman, Bruce
Hogg, Courtney
Holbrook, Brian
Holtzman, Dmitri
Hong, Eunice
Hopper, Kim
Horowitz, David Paul
Horowitz, Jeffrey
Horowitz, Steven
Horsch, Richard
Horwitz, Susan
Hu, June Morgan
Huang, Bert
Huntington, Clare
Huron, Giselle
Irish, Corrine
Ishizuka, Nobuhisa
Jackson, Danielle
Jacobi, John
Jacobs, Lawrence
Jaffer, Jameel
Janow, Merit
Jason, Kevin
Jean-Baptiste, Natalie
Jimenez, Jessica
Johnson, Conrad
Johnson, Darren Wright
Johnson, Jr., Oliver Thomas
Johnson, Olatunde
Johnson, Thea
Jonas, Bonnie
Jost-Creegan, Kelsey
Juarbe Santaliz, Angelica
Judge, Kathryn
Kaplan, Cathy
Kaplan, Roberta
Karas, Kenneth
Katz, Avery W.
Katz, Michael
Kaufman, Arthur
Kendall, George
Kendall, Will
Kent, Andrew
Kessler, Jeremy
Kessler, Scott
Khan, Lina
Khawaja, Bassam M
Khosla, Madhav
Kim, Howard S.
Kintz, JoAnn Lynn
Kirman, Igor
Klaris, Edward
Kleinman, Rachel
Knee, Jonathan
Knuckey, Sarah Maree
Koffsky, Paul
Komatireddy, Saritha
Komitee, Eric
Koolaq, Sam
Kovner, Rachel
Kraus, Jody
Krent, Stephanie
Krishnan, Ramya
Krulic, Alexander
Ku, Julian
Kumar, Akshaya
Kweskin, Lucy Faith
La-Force, Julema
LaGamma, Diane
Lakhdhir, David
Lam, Kevin
Lawal, Tolu
Lawsky, Benjamin
Lebovitch, Mark
Lebovits, Gerald
Lebowitz, Henry
Lee, Brian
Lee, Thomas
Lee, Young
Lee, Youngjae
Lefkowitz, Jay
Lehner, Peter
Leib, Ethan
Leidholdt, Dorchen A.
Lenow, Jared
Leszczynska, Monika
Levander, Andrew
Levick, Marsha
Levine, Jane
Levine, Jenna E.
Levy, Nicholas
Levy, Robert
Lhewa, Tashi
LiCalzi, Christine
Liebman, Benjamin L.
Liebman, James S.
Lim, Samantha
Liman, Lewis
Liss, Jeremy
Liu, Goodwin
Livingston, Debra A.
Loengard, Philippa
Long, Clarisa
Louis, Stephen
Love, Michael
Lowell, Abbe D.
Lowenthal, Mitchell
Lubin, Asaf
Lund, Dorothy S.
Lund, Oren
Lynch, Gerard E.
Ma, Jenny
Mace, Kristin
Macleod, James
Magaziner, Fred
Maher, Mark
Maitra, Neel
Mandel, Gary
Mandell, Lauren
Mann, Ronald
Marcus Amelkin, Ian H.
Markenson, Ari
Marriott, David
Martins, Tatiana
Mascarenhas, Viren
Massey, Kathleen
Mastando, John
Matsumoto, Kiyo
Maust, Natalie
Mavroidis, Petros C.
McCamphill, Amy L.
McCrary, Justin
McCurry, Stephanie
McFarlane, Amy
McGinnis, Michael Charles
McHugh, James
McKenzie, Lindsay
McLeod, Ryan
McMillen, Michael
Mechanic, Jonathan
Megret, Frederic
Meierhenrich, Jens
Menand, Lev
Merrill, Thomas W.
Mesard, Nicole
Metcalf, Andrew
Metzger, Gillian
Meyer, Janis
Mishkin, Paul
Mitts, Joshua
Moe, Alison
Moglen, Eben
Moller, Tiffany
Molner, Nicole
Moloo, Rahim
Monaghan, Henry Paul
Morel, Ramona
Moriarty, Michelle
Morreale, Matthew
Morrison, Alisha
Morrison, Edward R.
Morten, Christopher
Mukherjee, Elora
Murray, Kerrel
Nachman, David
Nadel, Daniel
Naftalis, Gary
Newman, Mariana
Nielsen, Mark
Nissan, Ilan
Noh, Megan
North, Julie
Norwitz, Trevor
Nougayrede, Delphine
Nurse, Jenay
O'Connor, Daphne
O'Rourke, Delphine
Oberdiek, John
Ohlemeyer, William
Olds, Victor
Oosterhuis, Paul
Orts, Eric W
Ostrow, Ashira Pelman
Pahis, Stratos
Palmer, John
Pan, Eric
Pannu, Camille
Pantin, Lynnise
Paradis, Michel
Park, Michael
Parker, Barrington
Parness, Hillel
Passa, Gregory A
Paula, Rene
Paulson, Susan
Pavamani, Madhuri
Pearsall, Patrick W.
Pelsinger, Shawn
Perelman, Jeremy
Perez, Myrna
Pernell, Brence
Perszyk, Alena M
Peters, Julie Stone
Pilgrim, Jill
Pinsky, David
Pistor, Katharina
Pitluck, David C.
Polisi, Caroline Johnston
Ponsa-Kraus, Christina D.
Pont, Amy
Pozen, David
Presser, Mitchell
Price, Rebecca
Pringle, Omar
Prokesch, Emily
Quinn, John
Rabinowitz, Steven
Radvany, Paul
Rakoff, Jed
Rand, Jay
Rao, Kumar
Rapaczynski, Andrzej
Rapisardi, John
Raskolnikov, Alex
Read, Nathaniel P.T.
Redburn, Kate
Reif, Timothy
Ressler, Jayne
Richman, Daniel
Richter, Rosalyn Heather
Riley, Seann
Rivlin, Kenneth
Rodgers, Jennifer
Rodriguez, Alejo
Rodriguez, Justin
Roh, Jeong-Ho
Rohr, Daniella
Romero, Cristina
Rona, Gabor
Rose, Kathy
Rosen, Richard A.
Rosenn, Michal
Rosensaft, Menachem
Rosof, Eric M.
Ross, David
Rothman, Thomas
Ruskay-Kidd, Scott
Sabel, Charles F.
Sachs, Lisa E.
Sack, Robert D.
Salas Kantor, Benjamin
Saldana, Lois
Sandberg, Caroline
Sandler, Karen M.
Sanger, Carol
Saul, Tomica C.
Saunders, Morgan E
Sauvant, Karl P.
Savitt, William
Savitzky, Ari
Schatz, Ben A.
Scherzer, Ann
Schizer, David M.
Schlinck, Olivia Smith
Schmidt, Thomas P.
Schneider, Jacob
Schneller, Hillary Anne
Schwartzman, Micah
Scott Walker, Robert
Seibel, Cathy
Sells, Marcia
Sen Villalobos, Amanda
Senger, Jeffrey
Sennett, Amy
Seo, Sarah A.
Serkin, Christopher
Shafiqullah, Hasan
Shamsi, Hina
Shanahan, Colleen F.
Shapiro, Steven
Sharon, William
Sharpe, Jeremy
Shaw, Kelly A.
Shechtman, Paul
Sherwin, Edward
Shukur, Omavi
Silber, Norman
Silvers, Teri
Simmons, Rebecca
Simpson, Graeme
Singh, Riti
Small, Shervon
Smit, Robert
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Fred
Smith, Trisha
Smuha, Nathalie
Sobelsohn, Richard J.
Solender, Michael
Solivan, Jackeline
Soltren, Adan
Spanos, Evie
Squillace, Leia
Statsinger, Steven
Steel, Reilly S.
Stenstrom, Sean
Strauss, Ilene
Stretch, Colin
Sturm, Susan P.
Sullivan, John
Sullivan, Richard
Talley, Eric
Tannenbaum, Andrew
Tata, Vijay
Tenzer, Gabrielle
Tepper, Steven
Tevis, Britt
Thomas, Kendall
Thorburn, Malcolm B.
Tigar, Michael
Tortoriello, Nicole G.
Trice, Brandon
Tropp, Matthew
Ugeux, Georges
Ullmann, Michael
Unger, Mia
Vasilescu, Alexander
Vecchio, Mark
Velona, Jess
Verhoosel, Gaetan Jean
Verrilli, Donald B.
Villa, Cliff
Villalona, Bernarda
Wagner, Monica
Wang, Alice
Watts, Shawn Kelly
Waxman, Matthew C.
Weinberg, Morri
Weinberg, Seth
Weiner, Frances
Weiner, Michael
Weisbord, Reid Kress
West, Melanie Tharamangalam
Wexler, Rebecca
White, Christine L.
White, Kimberly
White, Thomas W.
Whitehead, Charles
Whittaker, Alexandra
Wiener, Benjamin
Wilfert, David
Wilkins, Timothy
Williams, Carine
Wilson, Michelle
Wiltsie, Nicholas V
Winograd Leonard, Emily
Wu, Timothy
Yen, Marianne
Yeomans, William
Yiannibas, Katerina M.
Yoon, Nam Jin
Young, Katharine
Younger, Josh
Yu, Rachel
Yusuf, Temitope K.
Zarnow, Zachary
Zeno, Mark
Zhou, Grace
Zien, Marnie
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Area of Study
Administrative Law and Public Policy
Civil Procedure, Litigation, and Dispute Resolution
Clinics, Externships, and Experiential Learning
Commercial Law and Transactions
Constitutional Law
Corporate Law, Business, and Finance
Criminal Law and Procedure
Environment and Energy
Family Law
Gender and Sexuality Law
Health Care and the Law
Human Rights
Intellectual Property and Technology
Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
International and Comparative Law
LL.M. and J.S.D. Courses
Labor and Employment Law
Law and Economics
Law, Humanities, and the Social Sciences
Legal History and Law and Philosophy
Legal Profession and Professional Responsibility
National Security and Privacy
Property, Real Estate, and Trusts & Estates
Racial, Economic, and Social Justice
Writing, Research, and Assistantships
Writing Credit
J.D. Major Writing Credit
J.D. Minor Writing Credit
LL.M. Writing Project
Method of Evaluation
All Methods
Paper and Exam
Additional Attributes
Executive LLM
Experiential Credit
LLM NY Bar Exam Qualifier
New Course
Online Course
PR Requirement
Tutorial Seminar
Course Types
Field Work
Moot Court
Writing, Research, and Assistantship Credit
Course Number
Course Points
Requires Permission
Advanced Filters
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